Mission statement


Everyone should understand the necessity of movement in life. We want to show that sport frees the mind and leads to new life energy.

Values such as respect, honesty and perseverance should be strengthened by our activities and regain a higher value.

Our commitment to martial arts should benefit everyone who takes part.

We want to help the martial arts to a better reputation, a dignified and respectful reputation. Discipline, mental strength as well as regularity are only a small part of what such sports have in their basic idea.


Our company has one Team one Family written on its chest. Cohesion and being there for each other are lost virtues which we try to reactivate.

Giving everyone a chance and getting maximum performance out of everyone are our core competences.

We attach great importance to achieving physical and mental balance and giving a positive long-term boost to health.

Whether young, old, thin or fat, are you looking for general fitness or do you want to measure your performance in competition? Muay Thai Shadow Boxing offers something for everyone.

Despite hard training, we put a lot of emphasis on personal care and a family atmosphere. We want our customers to feel comfortable so that we grow together as a big MTSB family and everyone is there for each other.

This has always been the basis for people all over the world to be capable of great achievements.

He who fights can lose, he who does not fight has already lost
– Bertolt Brecht –